A Thought for February:

Greetings to friends old and new and a special warm welcome to book lovers everywhere, Although February is the second coldest month of the year, it is refreshing to know that the big part of the winter is behind us. It’s Valentine’s Day on the 14th, bringing a spot of romance into your life or building on one that is already in the making. If it’s romance you’re looking for, here are a few tips.

It’s the thought that counts! Be honest with each other. If your feelings are strong, don’t be afraid to say. Finally, show kindness and respect.

Maybe it’s time to think about booking that late-winter break to somewhere a little warmer before the start of the spring and summer — a stepping stone through the winter. During my younger adult life, I was able to take a two-week holiday to somewhere warmer. Rather than taking a holiday during the English summer, I opted to holiday during the winter months to somewhere warmer for three or four days during November, December, January, and February. I called them ‘stepping stones through winter’. So, if you’re a sun lover, why not give it a try. Remember, I welcome any comments, and I can be found on https://barriewigley.ampbk.com or Facebook and always try to reply.

Happy reading.


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