A Thought for January and the New Year:
A happy and healthy new year to all book lovers. Looking back over 2022 it seems to have passed in the blink of an eye, yet I managed to read 49 books — and write another! So, look out for Get Away, The sequel to Sail Away (which I fasten to add) can be read independently. My third book Run Away is already in the making. Next on my list of books for reading is the acclaimed book 100 Books that Changed the World by Scot Christianson.
January is named after the Roman god Janus the god of beginnings, protector of gates, paths and doorways which is fitting as January is the beginning of the new year. It is also one of the coldest months of the year in the northern hemisphere. January is also host to the first holiday of the year — New Year’s Day and the 6th of January is Epiphany. The snowdrop (genus Galanthus), and pink dianthus are January’s birth flowers. The month’s birthstone is the garnet.
Following are a few more reading quotes I would like to share with you, and a thank you to those who contributed.
The problem with reading a good book is you don’t want to finish It. — Anon.
Some people want to rob a bank. I want to rob a library. — Whisper.
Biggest lie ever: I’m only going to buy one book. — Anon.
As long as a lady carries a book with her, she will always have company and a weapon. — Wisteria society of lady scoundrels.
Happy reading to you all. B.W.
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