Welcome to October. There are many interesting facts about October, some of which you may not know. Named after the second month of autumn where the leaves of many trees begin to change colour (101shades of autumn). It is National Fire Prevention Week during the second week of the month commemorating the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. There are several health observances that occur during October including Breast Cancer, Spina Bifida, Blindness and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Caring thoughts would be appreciated if given to these health issues during this month.
If you were born in October, you are either a Libra or a Scorpio. The flower is the marigold and the gem stones are the tourmaline and opal. What you most likely didn’t know is, ‘Cookies Day’ is on the 1st, and the 5th is ‘National Do Something Nice day’!
Having a stressful day? Studies show that only six minutes of reading can reduce your stress level by 60% and after fifteen minutes by 90%, so what could an hour do? Of equal importance, October is National Book Fair month. With colder weather and dark evening about to fall upon us, a visit to a local book fair might be a good idea to stock up on winter reading material. Finally, Halloween is soon to be upon us… Happy reading.
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