A thought for September:

Welcome to September. In Britain and Europe, it is the start of autumn, and with it comes shorter days and longer nights. In America, it is the beginning of the fall, starting with Labour Day and followed by Constitution Week in the middle of the month. September is a popular month insofar as it is not uncomfortably hot or likewise cold.  It is often associated with fire being the month of the Roman God Vulcan, God of fire. The zodiac signs for September are Virgo and Libra, the birthstone is the Sapphire, and the flower the Aster.

September is the month of ‘back to school’ in most parts of the northern hemisphere. It is also the start of the academic year. For many, it means the first day at a new school or college. For senior students possibly attending university for the first time. A whole new experience. For parents, it means new clothes for the children, new uniforms for the students, and an expensive time for those with sons and daughters starting university — even with grants. In all cases, many books will be needed! For younger scholars, it will be arithmetic, crafts, history, geography, composition or maybe a second language, for senior students, it will be science, algebra and geometry, physics, anatomy or maybe research. One thing is certain, a large number of books will be sold — and purchased.

Happy reading to one and all.                                                             


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