February is the second coldest month of the year

February is the second coldest month of the year. It is also the month with the fewest number of days and is the only month that can pass without a single full moon. The 1st of February marks the Lunar New Year also known as the Chinese New Year and the 14th is always Valentine’s Day celebrating love with greeting cards, flowers and chocolates. Mardi Gras, also known as Shrove Tuesday falls on the 21st.

The month of February comes from the Latin word februum meaning ‘to cleanse’. It is the most frequently misspelled word in the English language (even the White House press office got it wrong on more than one occasion during the year 2015). The Zodiac sign is Aquarius and Pisces, the birth stone is the purple coloured amethyst and the flowers are the violet (loyalty) and the primrose (love).  

Give a little thought for those with Autism on the second Sunday of the month when the United Kingdom celebrates Autism Day, February is also Heart Month in America.

Authors Charles Dickens (Great Expectations, A Christmas Carol and A Tale of Two Cities to name just three of many) was born on the 7th, Jules Verne (Captain Nemo, one of many) on the 8th, Toni Morrison (early titles include Bluest Eyes and Sula) on the 18th, and Victor Hugo (Les Misérables) on the 26th.  

Continuing with more of the Books and Reading quotes:

‘I would be most content if my children grew up to be people who think decorating consists of building enough bookshelves’. — Anna Quindlen.

The act of reading is a partnership. The author builds the house, but the reader makes it a home — Jodi Picoult.

A day without reading… I have no idea. — Book and Ink.com

A book is not alive until it’s read. Then it lives forever.

Once again, enjoy your reading one and all.  


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